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2024-07-14 16:43| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

这是一份译林版英语五年级下册期末复习(首字母填空)含答案,共3页。试卷主要包含了 I’m ill等内容,欢迎下载使用。

2. Uncle Jhn is s________ in his bedrm. 3. Let’s c________ the windw. It’s dirty. 4. My mther grws flwers in the g______. 5. These sweets are very s________. 6.Let's c_______ the table. 7. I’m ill. I want t see the d_____________. 8. Hw d yu f________ nw? I’m very w__________. 9. Jack b________ his teeth every night. 10. Su Hai has a h________ fever. 11. My father is a dctr, my mther is a nurse. They b______ wrk in the h__________. 12. My finger h_________ in the basketball game. Shall I g t see the dctr? 13. I dn’t have any f__________. The by p________ at his lunch bx. 14. It’s very ht tday. Yu s_________ wear s many clthes. 15. A giraffe has a lng n___________. 16.Liu Ta c_________ hme frm schl. 17. His parents are cking d_________ in the kitchen. 18. I’m l_________ fr sme juice, but I can’t find. 19. ---Hw’s the meat?--It’s y_________ , Dad. 20. ---W_________is washing vegetables? ---David is washing vegetables. 21. ---Is he d_________any milk? ---N, he isn’t. He’s eating sme meat. 22. Helen c_________ hme frm schl at (4:30). 23. My parents are cking d_________ in the kitchen. The ptates (smell) nice. 24. I h d lessns every week. I am d nw. 25. Wh is h them? Wang Bing is. 26. It is T mrning. We are b . Helen is reading. Nancy is listen t music. 27. The girl is wrking in the g . She is w the flwers. 28. The pest f away, but the ladybird d . 29. 5. I was brn n the first f March. S the first f March is my b________. 30. There are many d and n in the h . They are h sick peple. 根据中文或首字母提示填空。(10分) 1. There are lts f flwers in the __________ (花园). 2. I’d like sme __________ (西红柿) fr lunch. 3. A_________ is the furth mnth f a year. 4. We s_________ nt play ftball in the street. 5.Sunday is the f_____ day f the week1.Mr Black t________ us English this y_________ . He is a tall man. He likes w____ a white shirt and black trusers. He s____________ English very w_________ . We like his l_____ very much. Hi.s hme is near the schl. Smetimes Mr Black w_________ t his hme. He has tw little sns. They lk the s________ . They ften wear the same clthes. He lves t see them and play w them. Mr Black c______ the tw bays Da Ma and Xia Ma. 2.My p_______ and I l_______ in a new huse. It’s n__________ a big park. We like the huse very m_______ . The huse is far a__________ frm my schl, vS〇 I have t g t schl by bus. Hut it s near my f_________ factry. My father ften ges t wrk n f___________ . My mther w________ in a h_________ , she's a nurse. She ften ges t wrk by m__________ . 3、 首字母填空a(10分) I like hlidays very much. My f_________ hliday is Spring Festival. This festival lasts a________ tw weeks. It's a C__________ festival. Wc celebrate it with a lt f activities. We can h________ a New Year s Eve dinner and Spring Festival Gala c_________ year. C_____ arc happier than usual because they have n s_________ and they can get a lt f lucky mney f________ their elders(长辈)• They can h_________ bks♦ tys and film tickets w_________ the mney. Besides, they can set ff firewrks. 试卷答案部分1、答案: teaches year wearing speaks well lessns walks same with calls 解析:2、答案:parents live near much away father's ft wrks hspital metr 解析:3、答案:favurite abut Chinese have every Children study frm buy with


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译林版英语五年级下册期末复习(根据中文填空): 这是一份译林版英语五年级下册期末复习(根据中文填空),共3页。




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